Tu es loin du compte Nono
https://foils.wordpress.com/2009/02/15/ ... es-durand/
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... ignoux.jpg
(L'aile d'eau)
Kiteboat project
Version 1, 2 et 3 (et ptet même plus)
https://thedailysail.com/dinghy/14/6719 ... red-foiler
Trevor Jack (Nacra 5.8 + glidefree foils)
Et quelques projets qui ont été testés, mais sans que je sache s'ils ont vraiment bien volé
iks boat de Nicolas Desprez https://arnone-project.com/wp-content/u ... e_boat.jpg
une version de kiteboatspeed https://www.letelegramme.fr/ar/viewarti ... 55&type=ar
Ou sont restés sans les foils
Ou sont dans les cartons, arrêtés ou dans un état inconnu
http://benoitmarienavigateur.fr/wp-cont ... .40.54.png
https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/ ... e=5FDF7BCB
https://www.charliepitcher.com/foiling-kite-boat (le petit dernier que je viens de découvrir)
kiteboat sur foil
Re: kiteboat sur foil
Je sais pas si celui-là compte...
Re: kiteboat sur foil
j'ai ajouté dans mon tableau le "UFO" cata sur foil qui me parait très intéressant, fabriqué aux USA, reste à voir si possibilité de n'acheter que la coque et ses foils....
Re: kiteboat sur foil
j'ai contacté le fabricant de l'UFO, voici la réponse :
Kirk here from Fulcrum Speedworks. Thanks for your interest in the UFO!
I don't believe anyone has tried using a kite with a UFO but you can definitely give it a try. I do have a customer in Helsinki who purchased a UFO so he could turn it into an electric-powered hydrofoiler for him and his wife and his modified format seems to be working out pretty well.
I can't part out of the hull and foils so you would have to purchase the entire UFO package for $7,930 retail. This could actually work to your advantage in case the kite idea doesn't go as planned and you want to sail a UFO in its intended form which is a lot of fun and a great way to improve your sailing skills across the board.
Let me know what you think. Orders are placed with a $2,000 deposit payment and we're currently accepting deposits for spring and early summer 2021 shipment slots which are limited and selling quickly.
donc à priori vente avec le gréement, le tout à environ 6700 euros départ USA
Kirk here from Fulcrum Speedworks. Thanks for your interest in the UFO!
I don't believe anyone has tried using a kite with a UFO but you can definitely give it a try. I do have a customer in Helsinki who purchased a UFO so he could turn it into an electric-powered hydrofoiler for him and his wife and his modified format seems to be working out pretty well.
I can't part out of the hull and foils so you would have to purchase the entire UFO package for $7,930 retail. This could actually work to your advantage in case the kite idea doesn't go as planned and you want to sail a UFO in its intended form which is a lot of fun and a great way to improve your sailing skills across the board.
Let me know what you think. Orders are placed with a $2,000 deposit payment and we're currently accepting deposits for spring and early summer 2021 shipment slots which are limited and selling quickly.
donc à priori vente avec le gréement, le tout à environ 6700 euros départ USA
Re: kiteboat sur foil
Celui là, je testerais bien avec un kite (mais il me semble qu'il n'y a pas de réglage automatique de l'assiette ou je me trompe?):
Un peu plus grand pour 5 encore mieux
Un peu plus grand pour 5 encore mieux

Flysurfer speed 1 7m, speed 2 12m, psycho 4 4m, 6m et 10m DL, Concept Air protos 4.5, 6.5, 8.5 + quiver varié de surfs
Re: kiteboat sur foil
La régulation de l'assiette et hauteur de vol est créée par le fait que les foils sont traversants et inclinés. Plus le bateau est bas, plus il y a de surface dans l'eau, plus il y a de portance, plus il remonte, etc.
60kg-FS Boost2 5, Gg Ayto dp 5, Pansh Kestrel 18+15+12+8, Magnet 6, Crazyfly Hyper 7 2020
TT Kriss Custom Kookaboora 122x34, 132x34, 132x35, Foil Rupel F-1, Crazyfly F-lite 99x44, Snow Nobile Remi Meum 148, Mtb MBS 90
TT Kriss Custom Kookaboora 122x34, 132x34, 132x35, Foil Rupel F-1, Crazyfly F-lite 99x44, Snow Nobile Remi Meum 148, Mtb MBS 90
- regis-de-giens
- Messages : 3845
- Inscription : dim. 14 avr. 2013 16:38
- Localisation : nice et almanarre
Re: kiteboat sur foil
Il y en a un en test sur mon spot. J etais agréablement surpris de sa glisse rapide meme en tres light et donc sans voler sur les foils.

Il y en a un en test sur mon spot. J etais agréablement surpris de sa glisse rapide meme en tres light et donc sans voler sur les foils.
60kg, Kestrel 21UL / 18UL / 15 / 8, Gin spirit 15, Elf Joker 11 (A vendre), Hawk 5m , Hybrid 2.5 // OR Flite 17 Alula / 14.5 (A vendre) / 10 ; Crave 12m ; Solo 6.5m, Pivot 8m, One 9m ( A vendre), DNA 3m , Pansh Adam 5.5 B/C
Foil Ketos, TBK Mana
Foil Ketos, TBK Mana