Interview express Bill Hansen, Switchkites designer

Les interviews FZ

Modérateurs : boZZo, stef

Messages : 729
Inscription : mer. 22 août 2012 16:06

Re: Interview express Bill Hansen, Switchkites designer

Message par Perrinkite » ven. 14 déc. 2012 16:13

bisoc a écrit :superbe boulot bravo stef, vraiment un forum de qualité :)

Tu vas bientôt devenir le "Worldwide Foil Consultant" :mrgreen:
S3 12 DLX, Naish Pivot 7 & 10
surfkite Waves 1.57m, Split Surfkite NEWIND, FireWire Hellfire 5.6

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Messages : 638
Inscription : mer. 22 août 2012 09:32
Localisation : rennes

Re: Interview express Bill Hansen, Switchkites designer

Message par akira251 » ven. 14 déc. 2012 17:09

merci pour le boulot, très intéressant
ailes: speed 3 15 dlx ,north rebel 2013 11 et 7 ,wainman smoke 9
planches: flydoor L, flyradical M ,fone sk8 2005, salomon nosless 5,3, skim fish home made
MTB srub furnace creek

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Inscription : lun. 6 août 2012 23:15
Localisation : Marseille/ Fos / Napo

Re: Interview express Bill Hansen, Switchkites designer

Message par boZZo » mer. 30 janv. 2013 22:40

Une vidéo promo de la Method V2
Wave 3 - Alma 4/6/8 - Pulsion S12 Proto Zéro
Sk8 950 - F-one Pocket CC 130 - Chili Pepper

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Messages : 2840
Inscription : sam. 27 oct. 2012 13:42

Re: Interview express Bill Hansen, Switchkites designer

Message par Marc » lun. 30 déc. 2013 03:42

Bill Hansen répondant à quelques critiques d'un internaute sur sa Method V2, j'ai trouvé les points 3 et 4 assez intéressants:
Bill Hansen
1) Poor Low End
A big, gutless, slow kite designed 'specifically for waves?' A wave kite needs to have good low end to get out of the whitewater, turbulence and shadows behind waves and get out of trouble when down. Also, a powerful small kite is much faster, more maneuverable and efficient than a larger kite.

2) Poor Upwind Performers
Some may think I am obsessed with upwind ability but to me it is one of the most important aspects of a specialty wave kite. Down-the-line wave-riding by definition puts the rider downwind in side-shore conditions. If you want to ride another wave, you have to get back to the line-up. The sooner the better. More waves, more fun. Enough said.

3) Sit back in the window for better drift
A common thought. Sitting back limits the ability of a wave rider to aggressively position the kite in the optimal place. Drift is independent of where a kite sits in the window. Drift is really a matter of stability in no wind and how the kite behaves when one moves toward the kite downwind causing the apparent wind to drop.

4) Upwind performance of a 7 better than a 9
Finally some truth but comparing apples to oranges both in design and size is misleading. A smaller kite of the same design will always go upwind better not only because it has less drag but is typically used in more wind where the apparent wind angle is greater.
75 kgs / Kitefoil, Wingfoil & Pumping
